Past Projects

Our lab is relatively young but we've already accomplished quite a few projects!


  • Robust Self-Scheduled Fault-Tolerant Control of a Quadrotor UAV
    • Description: This paper presents a complete active fault-tolerant control system with both fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) and FTC. The proposed FTC design is based on gain-scheduling control in the framework of structured H∞ synthesis.
    • Project type: Graduate research project
    • Students: Duc-Tien Nguyen
    • Advised by: David Saussié
  • A Motion Planning Strategy for the Active Vision-Based Mapping of Ground-Level Structures
    • Description: This paper presents a strategy to guide a mobile ground robot equipped with a camera or depth sensor, in order to autonomously map the visible part of a bounded three-dimensional structure. We describe motion planning algorithms that determine appropriate successive viewpoints and attempt to fill holes automatically in a point cloud produced by the sensing and perception layer. The emphasis is on accurately reconstructing a 3D model of a structure of moderate size rather than mapping large open environments, with applications for example in architecture, construction and inspection.
    • Project type: Undergraduate research internship (Manikandasriram S.R.) and Graduate research project (Andre Phu-Van Nguyen)
    • Students: Manikandasriram S.R. and Andre Phu-Van Nguyen
    • Advised by: Jerome Le Ny
  • Quaternion-based Robust Fault-Tolerant Control of a Quadrotor UAV
    • Description: This paper deals with the active fault-tolerant control (FTC) of a quadrotor in the presence of actuator faults. Generally, it is assumed that the fault has been detected, isolated or identified, and then, one proceeds with a reconfigurable controller. This paper presents a complete active fault-tolerant control system with both fault detection and diagnosis (FDD), and FTC.
    • Project type: Graduate research project
    • Students: Duc-Tien Nguyen
    • Advised by: David Saussié
  • Algorithme de navigation d’une flotte de drones
    • Description: Summer internship for the development of a leader-follower algorithm implemented in simulation and on Parrot AR Drones and Crazyflies. The code is available on Github.
    • Project type: Undergraduate research internship
    • Students: Joris Tillet
    • Advised by: David Saussié
  • Autonomous Landing of a Multirotor Micro Air Vehicle on a High Velocity Ground Vehicle
    • Description: While autonomous multirotor micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) are uniquely well suited for certain types of missions benefiting from stationary flight capabilities, their more widespread usage still faces many hurdles, due in particular to their limited range and the difficulty of fully automating their deployment and retrieval. In this paper we address these issues by solving the problem of the automated landing of a quadcopter on a ground vehicle moving at relatively high speed. A preliminary paper is also available on ArXiv.
    • Project type: Graduate research project
    • Students: Alexandre Borowczyk, Duc-Tien Nguyen, André Phu-Van Nguyen, Dang Quang Nguyen
    • Advised by: David Saussié and Jerome Le Ny


  • 2016 DJI Developper Challenge
    • Description: Competition where teams have to use autonomous MAV's in a search and rescue (SAR) scenario. Teams must take off from a moving vehicle, enter a search area and find survivors, come back and land on a moving vehicle.
    • Project type: Student competition
    • Students: Alexandre Borowczyck, Gabriel Guilbert, Andre Phu-Van Nguyen, Dang Quang Nguyen, Duc Tien Nguyen
    • Advised by: Jérôme Le Ny and David Saussié
  • Modeling and design of a controller for a multirotor equipped with a robotic manipulator
    • Description:
    • Project type: Undergraduate research internship
    • Student: Aissa Aha
    • Advised by: David Saussié
  • Development and control of a swarm of nano quadrotors
    • Description: In order for a swarm of nano quadrotors to localize itself using a TDOA, we must first synchronize the clocks of each base station. In this project an Alpha Beta filter was developed to estimate and compensate for clock errors for accurate TDOA positioning.
    • Project type: Undergraduate research internship
    • Student: Sagar Supe
    • Advised by: Jérôme Le Ny
  • Design of a Trajectory Tracking Controller for a Nanoquadcopter
    • Description: Modeling of a Crazyflie 2.0 and comparison between a PID and LQT controller.
    • Project type: Undergraduate research internship
    • Student: Carlos Luis
    • Advised by: Jérôme Le Ny
  • Integration of an Ultra Wide-Band radio system for mobile robot navigation
    • Description: Development of a localization system providing cm-level accuracy by combining an inertial navigation system with an UWB ranging system.
    • Project type: M.Sc.A. thesis
    • Student: Wassim Rafrafi
    • Advised by: Jérôme Le Ny
  • Autonomous 3D mapping applied to a Clearpath Husky and a Turtle Bot
    • Description: Experimental work on applying Autonomous 3D
    • Project type: Undergraduate research internship
    • Student: Megnath Ramesh
    • Advised by: Jérôme Le Ny
  • A Motion Planning Strategy for the Active Vision-Based Mapping of Ground-Level Structures
    • Description: Development of a strategy to guide a mobile ground robot equipped with a camera or depth sensor, in order to autonomously map the visible part of a bounded three-dimensional structure.
    • Project type: Undergraduate research internship, journal publication
    • Student: S. R. Manikandasriram, André Phu-Van Nguyen
    • Advised by: Jérôme Le Ny

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