
Matlab and Simulink can be useful tools for simulation and testing of your control algortithms. If you are not familiar with them, consider following some beginner tutorials:

Implementation of Controllers using ROS

If you've developed a simulation for a robot you'd like to test, Simulink has some basic tools for subscribing and publishing to and from topics using ROS. To learn more, see the following tutorial:

Logic and Decision-Making using Stateflow

If you're testing a UAV in the lab, chances are you're going to switch between flight modes (takeoff, landing, kill-switch, etc.). Switching between these modes is possible using conventional logic gates and switches in the Simulink environment, but can become cumbersome and visually overwhelming very quickly. The Stateflow package enables a more intuitive implementation of mode-switching. To learn more, see:

Our laboratory (physically situated at L-5816 and virtually in VLAN24) has the following reserved toolbox licenses for MATLAB/Simulink:

The usage status of all MATLAB/Simulink licenses owned by the Electrical Engineering Department is available here in the section named "MATLAB (Service Informatique)". Search for "L5816" to quickly view who is using a specific license. You can also search using some keywords of a specific toolbox or known usernames. The list of licenses automatically updates at a fixed unknown frequency. To release a license (or to pass it to another laboratory colleague) simply close your MATLAB program. The released license can be taken by a new user simply by using any specific function to the released toolbox license. Users remain owner of these floating licenses as long as their MATLAB session remains active. Ask Jean-Sébastien Décarie regarding any problem/question using these licenses.

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