Our Asctec UAVs are equipped with Asctec Mastermind onboard computers (Atom 1.66 GHz dual core CPU, 4 GB RAM), running Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Jade.

OBC Frequenctly Asked Questions

Wifi keeps dropping out, what gives?

Each UAVs has an Intel 7260 Wifi adapter and there are a lot of complaints online about instability issues. Try adding to /etc/modprobe/iwlwifi.conf the following:

options iwlwifi 11n_disable=8

This should turn on link aggregation and has worked once in the past.

I'm connected to Wifi but I can't ping anything in the network

Check how you configured your network adapters. Clearpath sent us the UAVs with a static IP on the (always on) ethernet adapter. This allows ROS to work even when not connected to a network. If this IP is on the same subnet as the Wifi adapter, all your packets will go through your unplugged ethernet.

To get around this see our networking page on dealing with multiple interfaces on the same subnet.

  • Typing sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces in a terminal, then modify this file as follows
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    auto em1    # LAN
    iface em1 inet static
    address YOUR_LAN_ADDRESS
    auto wlan0  # WIRELESS
    iface wlan0 inet static
      wpa-ssid YOUR_SSID
      wpa-psk YOUR_PASSWORD
      wpa-proto WPA2
      wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
      wpa-ap-scan 1
      wpa-pairwise CCMP
      wpa-group CCMP
      address YOUR_WLAN_ADDRESS
      network YOUR_NETWORK
      gateway YOUR_GATEWAY
      post-up /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 power off # make sure power management is off --> short ping time
      post-up /sbin/route add -net netmask dev wlan0
    Example: for Asctec Pelican, YOUR_LAN_ADDRESS is, YOUR_WLAN_ADDRESS is, YOUR_NETWORK is, YOUR_GATEWAY is, YOUR_SSID is "mrasl" and YOUR_PASSWORD is "saveapril".
  • Restart networks:

    sudo ifdown em1
    sudo ifup em1
    sudo ifdown wlan0
    sudo ifup wlan0

    Verify new configurations using ifconfig. Aftersudo reboot, the LAN and WLAN IP address should be shown in the LCD screen of the UAV.

Notes: basic Vim syntax, Esc => go to command mode, :i => insert text, :w => write file, :q => quit

ROS and/or Ubuntu are broken. How do I recover the factory image and other configurations (from Clearpath Canada)?

  1. Recovery Image from Astec
  2. Reconfigure network adapters: see the previous question
  3. ROS dependencies: using recovery image from astec, only 'ros-jade-ros-base' is installed.
    sudo apt install catkin-tools
    sudo apt install python-catkin-tools
    sudo apt install python-trollius
    sudo apt install g++
    sudo apt install autoconf
    sudo apt install ros-jade-cmake-modules ros-jade-roscpp ros-jade-message-generation
    sudo apt install ros-jade-mav-msgs ros-jade-nav-msgs ros-jade-sensor-msgs ros-jade-trajectory-msgs ros-jade-std-msgs ros-jade-geometry-msgs
    sudo apt install ros-jade-dynamic-reconfigure
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo reboot
    Note: from Ubuntu 14, apt-get is replaced by apt. Use apt-cache search for searching apt software packages, e.g. apt-cache search catkin => install python-catkin-tools.

How can I sent the individual motor speed commands (lowest command level) to the motor controllers?

  1. Install asctec_mav_framework and dependencies
    • Clone
      mkdir -p my_ws/src
      cd my_ws
      catkin build
      cd my_ws/src
      git clone https://github.com/MRASL/asctec_mav_framework
      git clone https://github.com/ethz-asl/ethzasl_msf
      git clone https://github.com/ethz-asl/glog_catkin
      git clone https://github.com/catkin/catkin_simple
      git clone https://github.com/ethz-asl/mav_comm
    • Create a local branch and checkout the remote branch origin/direct_motor_ctrl (our interface for working with direct individual motor control) then build
      cd asctec_mav_framework
      git checkout -b direct_motor_ctrl origin/direct_motor_ctrl
      catkin build
      cd my_ws
      source devel/setup.bash
      Note: use git branch --help and git branch --list for more information.
    • Change asctec_hl_interface configuration for faster communcation Downloads this file 09_config_serial
      cd Downloads
      sudo cp 09_config_serial /etc/grub.d
      sudo chmod +x /etc/grub.d/09_config_serial # make it executable
      sudo update-grub # rebuild grub config
      sudo reboot
      Adjusting the Maximum Baudrate:
      cd asctec_hl_interface/cfg
      cat HLInterface
      cd asctec_hl_interface/launch
      vim fcu_parameters.yaml
      Change fcu/baudrate to 115200baud and fcu/packet_rate_imu to 1000Hz.
  2. Flashing the Higlevel Processor
    • Requirements
      • Install OpenOCD
        sudo apt install openocd
        sudo apt install libncurse5-dev:i386
        sudo apt install libx11-dev:i386
        sudo apt install zlib1g:i386
      • Install arm-elf-gcc compiler
        cd asctec_hl_firmware
        export PATH=$PATH:~/Downloads/arm7-elf-gcc/usr/local/arm7/bin
        Note: cat install_arm_gcc.h to view contain of this file
    • Compiling
      cd asctec_hl_firmware
      If there are some errors, pls restart the system, make clean and make again.
    • Flashing
      • Connect OBC (Mastermind) to the Asctec Autopilot via AscTec JTAG Adapter
      • Turn on the Autopilot and check USB port
        ls -la
        ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*
        ls /dev/ttyUSB0
      • First terminal: connect to the device via OpenOCD with the command
        sudo openocd -f lpc2xxx_asctecusbjtag05.cfg
        If there are some warnings or errors, please restart the system and try again.
      • Second terminal: open a telnet connection to OpenOCD
        telnet localhost 4444
        Then stop, flash and reset the device
        reset halt
        flash write_image erase main.bin
        reset run
  3. Test

    • Running fcu
      souce devel/setup.bash
      roslaunch asctec_hl_interface fcu.launch
    • Sent motor command in range 1 to 200: make sure that the PROPELLERS ARE NOT MOUNTED
      rostopic pub -r 100 /fcu/command/direct_motor mav_msgs/Actuators "header:
       seq: 0
         sec: 0
         nsecs: 0
       frame_id: ''
       angles: -0
       angular_velocities: -0
       normalized: [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]"
      Full experimental system architecture including Vicon system, Ground PC, UAV and networks: read ICUAS18_0164 article.

How can I use the Asctec OBC with a monitor, mouse and keyboard?

photo here

The Astec OBC is not working?

Check BIOS battery

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