Using Vicon data

Using ROS

For all of the following packages use the server IP defined in our LAN setup page.

ETHZ's Autonomous Systems Lab VRPN Client

Same client used in Dynamic System Identification, and Control for a cost effective open-source VTOL MAV. Provides position, orientation, velocity and angular velocity. Connects to the Vicon server through the Virtual Reality Peripheral Network. Data seems to pass through a Luenberger state observer for position and linear velocity estimation and an Extended Kalman Filter for orientation and angular velocity estimation.

ETHZ's Autonomous Systems Lab Vicon Bridge

Use this if you want unfiltered data directly from the Vicon server. Provides position and orientation as a TF or a geometry_msgs::TransformStamped. Can also calibrate the origin of an object.

Kumar Robotics' motion_capture_system

Runs an EKF to provide position, orientation, velocity and angular velocity. Only 1 parameter has to be provided for noise (max_accel), can track multiple objects.

We have our own fork on Github here.

Using Matlab/C/C++/.Net

Read the pdf file Vicon_DataStream_SDK_Manual

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